Network Interactions Designed for Ornithology / Observation
Through PARTICIPATORY SCIENCE our proyect NIDO – NETWORK INTERACTIONS DESIGNED FOR OBSERVATION, promotes the social appropriation of the natural heritage located in strategic areas of the Andes: Paramo and high Andean forest ecosystems.
This ecosystems have been highly degraded and altered by human activity. In contrast to the conservationist vision that sees in the traditional farmers a threat factor for the conservation of these ecosystems, we believe that education, science and local empowerment are keys to the transition towards sustainability scenarios, as a basis for construction of cultural identity that transforms children and young people into guardians of these territories and its biodiversity.
We work in the recognition and valuation of biodiversity through education in context HIGH MOUNTAIN SCHOOL, which generates knowledge from participatory science processes, through the non-intrusive direct observation of wildlife using wireless network system, IOT cameras, and recording and monitoring through a mobile app.
The data collected provides information that give multiple levels of complexity. Suitable and productive for boys and girls or high level scientists. This collaborative monitoring, converts the inhabitants into scientific citizens and generates long-term awareness, allowing an adaptation to climate change and a preparation to avoid the extinction of the species that inhabit the páramos.
NIDO is on TRL 4 (Technology Readiness Level 4 https://www.nasa.gov/pdf/458490main_TRL_Definitions.pdf), we have build a prototype that demonstrate feasibility, basic fuctionality of the system on critical environment. Some of the pictures in link (https://labni.org/nido), has been taken with NIDO under paramo environment conditions of temperature, humidity etc. Software is a basic version allowing wifi , manual interoperability and movement sensing, infrared light and basic image shooting.
Next stages are Automation on networking M2M, IOT embedded system, interoperability through API with citizen science platforms (like inaturalist), and Android Mobile Application.
N.I.D.O. has three components:
Collaborative monitoring is replicable and knowledge generated can be used to raise multiple dissemination strategies and even at the curricular level in the Colombian or Latin American educational system. It can generate, at various levels, virtuous circles of investment and collaboration at a local and global level. The device can be produced industrially and distributed globally linked to the project or as a tool for other initiatives. In this stage, bird species are monitored, but later, flora, small mammals, invertebrates, amphibians and other dynamics of the sector can be recorded and monitored through different means.
Team Leader: Hugo Armando Bautista Reyes. Research, development and innovation expert.
Heritage Expert : María Fernanda Loaiza Álvarez Scientific director, Natural and cultural heritaghe expert.
Biology Expert: Ingrid Obando, citizen science expert.
Ten children living in the path Verjón Bajo with whom the tests and basic exercises of the project are being carried out.
The inhabitants of the Teusaca River micro-watershed, in the path Verjón Bajo, have many opportunities to recognize and value their surroundings. This learning will turn them into protective guardians of their Natural Heritage so that in the future it will be the base for their sustainable economic activities. Slowly suppressing livestock, potato agriculture, pig farming, mining and other unsustainable practices. Giving a new vision to children we will have taken the first step towards a future of conservation.